sports orthopedics

Ortopedia deportiva Juan Bravo

At Ortopedia Juan Bravo we are aware that to compete at the highest level, effort and sacrifice are required, but also an extraordinary workload at the bone and muscular level that is not exempt from injuries, habitual pain or overload in general. Injuries are part of sports or the development of a physical activity, for this reason, we have specialized in the manufacture, sale and distribution of products related to rehabilitation and sports medicine. Through our products we help the most active and demanding athletes to prevent the risk of injury and reduce recovery time so that they can return to compete at the highest level.

These are some of the most common injuries in athletes and that we deal with in our orthopedics:

It is one of the most frequent injuries in the practice of sports or the development of a physical activity. They occur as a result of external blows or overexertion on the muscles involved in the activity. Muscle injuries can be caused by shortening or elongation. Muscle shortening injuries can include delayed-effect muscle inflammation, commonly called “soreness”; contractures, which occur on muscles that have acted with a certain overload and for a long time; and cramps, caused by circulatory disorders due to the loss of minerals during exercise. On the other hand, injuries caused by elongation can include strains, produced as a consequence of an overstretching of the muscle but without reaching a tear; contusions, produced when the muscle hits against a solid structure; or tears, which occur when the muscle bundles are partially or totally broken.
The tendons are responsible for transmitting the necessary force to the muscle to produce movement. Normally when there is overload or partial breaks of the fibers, the inflammation of the tendons occurs which gives rise to the injury. Some of the most common injuries of this type are hand tendon injuries, Achilles tendon rupture, long biceps tendon rupture, quadriceps tendon rupture, or patellar tendon rupture among others.
The continued use of the arms in some sports often produces the so-called impingement syndrome. It manifests as localized pain in the affected joint before, during and after the development of the activity.

Usually produced in the ankles, wrists or fingers, usually caused by localized strain or tear of the ligament. They can appear as ankle sprain, hammer toe, or rower’s wrist. after the development of the activity.

Ortopedia deportiva Juan Bravo

In general, at Juan Bravo Orthopedics we can help you in the treatment of a wide variety of injuries, be they acute such as ankle sprains, muscle strains, knee, shoulder and fractures injuries, or those injuries due to overuse such as tendinitis or stress fractures.

At Ortopedia Juan Bravo we are specialists in custom-made sports orthopedic products, manufacturing for Madrid athletes the protections necessary for the practice of many sports disciplines. In this way, for years we have been linked, working for sports clubs in the capital.

Some self-made products:

The shin guards are manufactured with a high-resistance material such as carbon fiber and are usually used for the practice of contact sports, reducing the impact, preventing fractures of the tibia or injuries to the ankles, among others.

Its manufacture requires previously removing the shape of the athlete’s leg in a plaster mold so that later there is a correct adaptation of it.

Protective masks are tailor-made especially for patients who have generally suffered a nasal or cheek injury, also to protect against lacerations on the chin or lips. Their function is to prevent the risk of additional injuries if you continue to practice sports during the healing period. They can be made of translucent plastic resin, or flexible vinyls of various colors.

The new technology in insoles incorporates a thin sheet of carbon fiber that can be adapted to different medical indications thanks to the different positioners that provide support and improve the athlete’s footprint. Among other benefits, highlights the dynamic strength and anatomical shape thanks to the carbon sheet, flexibility, padding, lightness …

The new technology in insoles incorporates a thin sheet of carbon fiber that can be adapted to different medical indications thanks to the different positioners that provide support and improve the athlete’s footprint. Among other benefits, highlights the dynamic strength and anatomical shape thanks to the carbon sheet, flexibility, padding, lightness …
Compression stockings for all types of sports (cycling, running, skiing, golf …) whose upward compression design improves circulation at the arterial level, so that the muscle receives more oxygen during exercise, thus improving performance.
They combine the latest developments in technology, materials and design, offering stability and protection to the unstable ligaments (ACL, LCP, LLI, LLE) of the knee during the performance of the sport that is performed with it.

If you need this service, do not hesitate to contact us.  

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Juan Bravo Málaga

Ortopedia Juan Bravo Málaga

Avenida de Mijas 35, 29651,

Las Lagunas de Mijas, Málaga

+34 95 191 94 80

L-V de 9:30 a 14 y 16:30 a 20 -Sáb.: 10 a 14

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+34 95 191 94 80

L-V de 9:30 a 14 y 16:30 a 20 -Sáb.: 10 a 14

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Juan Bravo Málaga

Ortopedia Juan Bravo Málaga

Avenida de Mijas 35, 29651,

Las Lagunas de Mijas, Málaga

+34 95 191 94 80

L-V de 9:30 a 14 y 16:30 a 20 -Sáb.: 10 a 14

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